Finally, my new website open today!
I had prepared for this since this summer so I'm very happy to be able to face this day.
Finally, my new website open today!
I had prepared for this since this summer so I'm very happy to be able to face this day.
The first time I had own website was about seven years ago.
Time flied so quick, surprisingly.
And thorough the period, pop-up opened many doors and showed me so many things.
So I decided to renewal my website to make it be match to my heart.
Anyway, web site design and top page movie are created by "GRAPHAS".
Mr. Yoshinaga did very polite and professional work as always!
Then beautiful impressive photograph on top page by my lovely friends, Fiona and Triona.
I appreciate to your all kindness.Thank you so much.
I'll put my current work, infomation and so on to here.
Hope you enjoy.
By for now.