A to Z: Marvels in Paper Engineering
Today I announce the collection box titled " A to Z: Marbels in Paper Engineering".
This set features 26 alphabet movable cards designed by paper engineers around the world and I did for letter "J".
Today I announce the collection box titled " A to Z: Marbels in Paper Engineering".
This set features 26 alphabet movable cards designed by paper engineers around the world and I did for letter "J".
Today, I introduce my new pop-up art work titled " I Bloom and Bloom".
Motif is Camellia japonica.
Now I'm making a "Camellia japonica" pop-up.
And it is time to cut off the edge after finish assembling!
It has been a while since I wrote last post. Sorry.
Japan where I live is about to welcome in the beautiful cherry blossom season.
I can see so many foreign people from all over the world. But the best time for cherry blosson in our city will be later, I think.
In stead of cherry blossom, we can see lots of Camellia japonica with full bloom anywhere.
And now I am making a new pop-up whose motif is "Camellia japonica".
Happy New Year 2017 !!!
Hope your cham, talent, life, work, hobby,
family, love etc... will bloom in full
like this Camellia!!!!
Hiromi Takeda
武田 裕美
I renewed the "for art" page.
So you can see bigger image first
and then will see whole image when you click.
Here is the link of the page.
Hope you enjoy.
Today I re-sized "Fuchsia" pop-up.
Original size is 380mm * 240mm then
this one's is 170mm * 240mm.
So if it is ready for sale, we can put it into the emvelope and send.
I would re-size other work later.
Re-book binded pop-up "Fuchsia".
So it is single page pop-up.
When you open,
you will see one small bee fly from behind leaves
and Fushsia flower dance with her legs waving.
Today I'm going to show you my new work "Wild Flower Bouquet for gift book."
Some pictures I took, so please have a look.
Hell everyone.
Today I'm going to write about the conference which was held in Boston this 15th-17th.
I attended only in 17th but had a great-irreplaceable experience at there.