New pop-up「 I Bloom and Bloom」


Today, I introduce my new pop-up art work titled " I Bloom and Bloom".

Motif is Camellia japonica.



I Bloom and Bloom







How was it?

I used "Washi", Japanese paper this time. Actually, it was not easy to use the paper for pop-up mechanisms, but it had deep meaning for me to use as a Japanese.


Hope you like.


for art   2017/05/02   武田 裕美


[ Judy ]
I love how I bloom I bloom just pops off the page and actually grows. Would love to learn how this was designed.
[ Hiromi ]
Hi. Judy.
Thank you for your watching my pop-up video and sending me a message. This pop-up art work "I Bloom and I Bloom" was designed by normal way. Made lots of prototypes, made die-line data, did art works, printed, cut and assembled. Hope I could answer what you wanted to know. Thank you.
[ Judy ]
Do you have this for sale or a kit that one can make it?
[ Judith Henry ]
Hiromi - I have been watching your website since I discovered this I bloom I bloom video. My comment is above at that time. I just received the Movable book society Alphabet box which I ordered because you had an entry for the letter "J". What I love about your entry is that you have the actual pieces on the front cover which helped me understand how the card was made. As I learn from all the great examples in the box, yours is the best for learners.
But now you have made a bigger website then when I first was here and are giving seminars. Oh how I wish I could learn from you and take one. Please keep me in mind if you come to the USA.
I am so privileged to have found your beautiful cards. Judy
[ Hiromi Takeda ]
Hi Judy

Firstly, sorry to my late reply. I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed my video and “J ” from A to Z book. Finally the amazing box has arrived at my home today and I am so happy to see my "J" and others are just wonderful as you know.
[ Hiromi Takeda ]

Yes sometimes I do wee workshop in Japan and teach easy pop-ups. I am not good teacher(because I always get nervous to talk in front of many people!) but really really enjoy to make pop-ups with somebody. Hope we can see someday and make together:)
And I will attend next conference of MBS wherever will be held in the U.S A. So there is wee possibility we can see.
Anyway, I will keep make flower pop-ups and do my best to make them show to the world.
Thank you, Judy. ジュディーさん、ありがとうございます。


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